Tuesday 20 December 2011

Precious person :)

For me , you're like a diamond . The most precious one that I only have . Unfortunately , things does not go as we planned it . You have your own way , same with me . Seriously you can count on me , I really hope that I can count on you too . I do appreciate you like my best friend ever but you didnt treat me like what best friend supposed to treat . Nevermind, I dont even care about that . Sincerely , being a friend to you is the most wonderful moment . But , you'll never see that . You just know how to find my mistakes and my fault . True friend is hard to find . Yeahh . Thats true . What else can I do , whatever I do you still set your mind to hating me . Ta bercakap ta jugakk bermakna kau ta penting , ta bersuara ta jugakk bermakna kau tade dalam fikiran aku . Jangan terlalu negative . Jangan rosakkan persahabatan kita dengan hasad dengki . To be frank , sumpah aku tade sekelumit benci dan marah dengan kau . I dont know why . Ikhlas dalam persahabatan itu penting . Jangan membenci seseorang tuh dengan luaran dia sebaliknya lihat dalaman dia . Jangan kerana mulut badan binasa . Let God decides everything , kita sebagai umatNYA hanya perlu redha . For me , terpulang la pada kau nak cakap apa pasal aku , aku tade apa apa masalah dengan kau , aku tade masalah pun dengan persahabatan kita . Thank you for everything my dear friend . I do treat you like a diamond but that diamond does not shine like other diamond because its just between you and me . I dont need to shout out to the world that I have the most beautiful and amazing diamond . I dont want other people steal it from me , because you're the precious one . 

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