Tuesday 10 April 2012

Part of me :)

Part of me will always love you .
Not as before but will always there . 
But its okay , because i let you go a long time ago . 
I hope you'll have a great life . I know you will . 
Some things are just never meant to be , no matter how much we wish they are . 
It maybe always true for me , but in your eyes it always wrong .
I make a decision that im going to move on .
It wont happen automatically . 
I have to rise up and say , i dont care how hard this is, i dont care how disappointed i am . 
Im not going to let this get the best of me . 
Im moving on with my life . 
I cant look back, i just have to put the past behind me and find something better in my future . 
People changes and heart move on my dear . 
You cant changed what has already happened so dont waste your time thinking about it . 
Six letter, two words, easy to say, hard to explain, harder to do but i did it .MOVE ON. Thank you to him . Always there for me .

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