Saturday 8 October 2011

About me ! =)

Okay . Here we go . First aku nak introduce myself . Just a simple introduction . Im Nur Suziana Bt Abdul Rahman . For sure from Seremban . As you can see on my porfile . Im the youngest sister in my list of siblings . 7 of us . Bongsu tak semestinya manja kan ? Hehe .Masih ada ibu lagi Puan Adibah Bt Nordin . To be honest , ayah da tade . Passed away sebab sakit . Cannot blamed anyone . Apa apa pun I miss him so much . Im still your little angel daddy .Ada kakak , tapi sorang je . Garang ! But still she will give me support & strength when ever i need her . Ada 5 abang . Very protective ! Because all of them really take a good care for both of their little sister . Keluarga yang sangat sangat sederhana . Tak kaya tak miskin . All in all im proud and satisfied enough with my family . Tak minta lebih dari Allah . Cukup laa dengan apa yang aku ada . Amin .

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