Sunday 23 October 2011


Sayang, you will never how much you breaks my heart . Im hurting sayang . Wahhh . Patah hati betul aku nie . Melampau taw . Siap ade heart retak lagi atas tuh . Ko ade ?? Ta ade kan . Huh ! But , in sometimes macam tulah hati aku . No one will ask . "Did I break your heart?" They just ignore it . Whether u realize it or not . U actually have been breaks someone heart . U will never knew that . Because u will keep going on repeating the same things . Words more sharpen than knife sayang . I will never tell you that I am hurt because of you , because of your attitude , because of your words . All I want is u , to figure it out by yourself . To all my lovers & friends please understand me . Yeap , sometimes I didnt show how much Im hurting , cause I thought u knew it . Take note you all . This is not the old Suzy . Im move on now . Dont get me wrong right here . Im just want to expressed my feelings now . Not more than that . 

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